About Us


Giddys are little snippets of life - questions, statements, or observations.
Giddyfly let’s you throw your ideas out there and see if people agree. Start a discussion. Be trivial, or be deep it’s up to you.
The aim of the site is to let you explore what you think about things without the limitations of the real world.
Because if you can know where you stand on issues, you’ll know who you are. 


Respond to some Giddys
Take a look around,  find some giddys you find interesting. See if the world agrees with you.

Submit some Giddys
If you’ve got a burning question, put to the world. Add links to make your questions better. 

You can do a lot on the site without registering, but if you want to ask questions or save your Mashes and Groups you’ll need to sign up. We don’t need to know your real name, just a nickname will do. 

Stay anonymous
If you want to share your journey with your friends, you can. But if you’d like to remain anonymous, you can do that too. 

What is a group?  No brainer, a group is more than one person.  You can have a lot of fun creating or being in a group.  What to do: Create. Invite friends or enemies. Add giddys. All done.  Answer away and see how in sync you are with your group.


We hate rules too. Couldn’t avoid them, but we’ve got it down to just 3...

  1. Be nice to others.  It’s not okay to harass, insult, impersonate, or bully anyone.
  2. Use links to make your questions better, but please don’t link to sites you shouldn’t.
  3. Don’t ask for people to like your question. Let them make up their own minds.


